Thursday, March 23, 2006

Tickes Sales Progress

Please note that all consignment tickets have been sold. Only a very small amount of $120 tickets are left in URBTIX outlets now.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

'Rex': Video snapshot of 15 March rehearsal

Dear fellow Learners,


Recall your memories (maybe bad ones) back at school. Think of your
English / phonics lessons, where you might have learned about 'rhyming
words', e.g. tin / bin
long / strong
wine / twine.

Now everyone say after me slowly:

Apollo's going to wrecK our necKS
if we don't say our 'RecKS' (Rex) properly.

Say this 100 times--20 times a day, 5 days from now on. By Friday,
hopefully our 'ks' will be loud enough to deafen one another!

Need Latin pronunciation guide? You may check out here or here

Have fun with your practice,